Type 3


This type of apartment building is widespread during the 1930s, but in the years up to 1950 is gradually replaced by type 4, partly due to wartime shortages (iron).

As with types 1 and 2, it has exterior walls of solid masonry, but the foundations and basement walls are of concrete cast in situ. The windows are larger than before and may now be placed at and around the corners. This entails iron structures being used in exterior walls. The bays and balconies are common features, the latter being a condition for the use of a single staircase. Tiles are still used as a roof covering, but new features on the flatter roof include cement-based sheets and roofing felt.

Interior walls consist of brickwork/double board partitions, however cement-based sheeting is typically used around the bathroom. Storey partitions are joist frameworks with extensive use of iron beams due to the bay and balcony structures as well as the bathrooms. Staircases are constructed of prefabricated steps and landings of situ-cast concrete.

Recommended literature in Danish:
Gjerløv-Knudsen og H. Bonnesen: Husbygningsteknik (1948)


    Gable anchors

    Original details

    Stairs and partitions

    Original details

    Board partitions

    Original details

    Longitudinal partitions

    Original details

    Transverse partitions

    Original details

    Grundejernes Investeringsfond, Realdania og Byggeskadefonden